
We offer many activities and services within our church community


At St. Andrew's, we offer a variety of worship styles, recognising that many love traditional forms of worship and others like a more modern approach.

Our Sunday services begin at 10.30 am and 6.15 pm

A typical morning service (attended by around 65 to 80 people) will include a mixture of traditional and modern hymns, prayers, bible readings and a sermon. Our preachers try to make their sermons relevant to real life, offering challenge and encouragement. Our children and teenagers (Junior Church) join us for the first part of the service, then go to their own activities elsewhere in the building.

During the year, we have several Parade Services, when we are joined by the uniformed organisations (Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers and Rainbows). The services are 'All-age' in format and very popular. Sometimes, we include drama or puppets! There are other ‘All-age’ services when the whole church family stays together for the full service.

There is normally a smaller congregation (about 15 - 20 people) for evening worship. Here too the format will include hymns, prayers, readings and a sermon.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated twice a month (one evening and one morning). We believe in an open table at which all are welcome.

Every two months we have a Healing Service in evening worship, providing an opportunity to pray and light a candle for those in need of healing.

Twice a year, we have an evening service of ‘Thanksgiving for Loved Ones’ when families and friends who have lost a loved one in the preceding months can gather to remember, and light a candle for, the person who has died.


We believe in the power of prayer. We speak to God and listen too. In all we do at St. Andrew's we seek God's will prayerfully before making decisions.

As a result of praying for God's vision for St. Andrew's, we have decided to begin Prayer Walks, where members of the church will pray for our Sedgley whilst physically being in the streets for which we are praying.

We have a Prayer Diary, used by members & friends as a basis for daily prayer. For each day of the month, there are named streets and organisations in Sedgley for which we pray; also a prayer topic for the day. In this way, we are holding Sedgley before God and seeking God's blessing on all who live and work in the area.

We have a Prayer Room and hope to be able to have it improved soon and to keep it open during the day for anyone to pray quietly.

We have a group that meets monthly to offer prayers for those who need healing in any way.

There are two Prayer Meetings during the week, both on Tuesdays: the morning meeting, starting at 9.30 am, usually includes a hymn or song, responsive prayers, readings and a time of "open or quiet" prayer; the evening meeting 'Open Prayer - Open to All' starts at 6.45 pm. Its format varies, sometimes responsive, sometimes reflective, always prayerful. Both meetings usually last for 30-40 minutes, and all are welcome.

Learning & Discipleship

At the moment, we have three House Groups that meet for bible study during the day. Our plan is to increase the number of groups significantly and we want to explore this by using “Holy Habits” by Andrew Roberts. Look out for up to date information on our Facebook page.

We're also planning to run an ALPHA course or similar for those who wish to explore the Christian faith.

For those who already feel confident in their faith, we shall be running a discipleship course.

Our weekly notice sheets include a brief "Engaging with Scripture" item which provides some questions for reflection on a verse of scripture.

In our quarterly magazine, we include items that get us thinking!

Fellowship & Groups

We are a vibrant and welcoming church offering a range of worship and activities.

We offer a variety of worship styles from the traditional forms of worship to a more modern approach. We have regular Prayer Walks, where members of the church will pray for our Sedgley whilst physically being in the streets for which we are praying. We have bible study groups and notice sheets to get us thinking about God and we encourage fellowship of our church community with lots of activities throughout the year. Our cafe is open Monday to Fridays so there's plenty of opportunity for company and friendship.

  • 'A Warm Space' Monday 1.30pm till 3pm a time to meet, have a chat, a hot drink and natter to firends or even play board games chilling in a warm space sharing some quality time - All are Welcome
  • Bible Discussion - Wednedsay Evenings 7. 45 till 9pm (Zoom meetings) speak to Pauline Burns for details
  • Prayers - Tuesday 6.45pm
  • Heart and Crafts - Every Thursday - 1.30pm -3pm
  • Knit & Natter - Currently Suspended
  • Uniformed Organisations - Rainbows Mondays 6.15pm, Guides Mondays 6.15pm, Beavers (Tuesdays Only) 6.15pm, Scouts Wednesday 6.15pm, Cubs Thursday 6.15pm, Brownies Friday 6.15pm.
  • Lunch Club - Wednesday (Fortnightly)
  • Pastoral Care
  • Youth & Children - Little Fishes Thursday 10.30am - 12:00 noon (Closed during School Holidays)
For more information on any of our groups and activities please click on the 'Contact Us' link in the 'Menu' list and drop us a line and we will happily provide you with further information.

Pastoral care

God calls us to care for one another with compassion and love. We see the church as being like a family. We're all different with lots of different needs, but we try to offer good care to all.

Thankfully, there are many friendships within the church, so that care is well provided by many of our folk as a matter of course.

To ensure that this care is available to everyone, all of our members and regular worshippers have an appointed "Pastoral Link", who aims to make sure that everyone in their group is okay. Our minister has many demands on his time, and time available for pastoral visits is therefore limited, but the pastoral links are there to ensure that anyone who wants or needs a visitor can get one.

On request, home communion is available to those who would like it, and the minister tries to visit those who are in hospital.

Our team of Pastoral Links is led by one of our Elders who meets regularly with the minister to discuss matters in strict confidentiality.

Youth & Children's work

We don't see children as the future so much as a vital part of the present. We are blessed by a strong youth and children ministry.

Our Sunday Club youngsters take part in the first part of worship on Sunday mornings, then head off to their own activities in other parts of the building, under the leadership of various adults who are all fully checked for safeguarding. Once a month, they stay in the whole service for "All-age Worship".

The Guides, Scouts, Brownies, Cubs, Rainbows and Beavers all meet at St. Andrew's and we have our own "Little Fishes" (toddlers) group, meeting on Thursday and Friday mornings.

Messy Church is a regular part of our church life. All families are very welcome.

St. Andrew's has strong links with Queen Victoria Primary School, where our minister is a Governor. He takes regular assembles and a group of members, known as "Open the Book" take enormously popular dramatised bible stories to the KS1 assemblies fortnightly. The church also hosts full school assemblies on a regular basis.


St. Andrew's exists because of the generosity of its members and friends. The majority of our income comes from the weekly offerings in worship. We also rely on many volunteers who give generously of their time and energy to keep our activities going.

We believe that faith and action go together. As we grow in faith, we feel the need to serve God and our community. Through service, our faith often deepens.


The Fairtrade stall is open at the back of the church every first Sunday of the month and some Sundays in between.

We hope you can support us by choosing to purchase any of our products.

We are pleased to announce that St.Andrew's MLCC Fairtraid now accepts 'Card Payments'. We have invested in a very neat card reader that allows you to pay by Debit or Credit card directly into our Fairtraid bank account and will send you a text message confirmation of payment or email confirmation of paymnet (or both). So buying is so much easier!

If you need any advice or help concerning Fairtrade please contact Andy via the email link below

Learn more about what Fairtrade does and how you can help?

Church Cafe

Our Church Cafe is open and you are very welcome to pop along and sit and have a hot or cold drink, something to eat in the quiet of your own space or in fellowship with others chatting amongst friends.

Opening Hours

Monday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Tuesday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Wednesday - Closed

Thursday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Sample some of the home made baking.

Look forward to seeing you

Why not

Get in Touch

If you want more information, fill in this form. We will get back to you as soon as possible

St. Andrew’s Church is in Bilston Street, Sedgley on the other side of the road from Queen Victoria primary school. From Sedgley Bull Ring, it’s a short walk along High Street, and turn right into Bilston Street.

Our car park is accessible from Castle Street (the short one way street between the Bull’s Head and the church). There’s a public car park in Brick Street (turn left at end of Castle Street), and a larger public car park on the other side of Bilston Street.

Contact Info

Where to Find Us

St. Andrew's Church
Bilston Street

Email Us At

Worship Times

Our regular worship
events are on Sundays
at 10.30 a.m.