

St. Andrew’s is a friendly, caring,
active church at the heart of the community

Hello There

Welcome to our Church

We believe that the church should be actively involved with its local community. We have much to offer including our popular shop, our community cafe, an arts and crafts group, a lunch club, a group for those who like to knit and have a chat, many youth and children's activities, strong pastoral care, all sorts of prayer initiatives, varied worship styles and opportunities to learn more about the Christian faith.

Despite the general decline in church attendances in many countries, we know that the church is still a vital part of God's plans and has a big role to play in society.

What we do is multi-faceted but all focussed on building a community that reflects God's limitless love for us all. We hope that you will be encouraged by what you read in this web site and you will always receive a warm welcome.


We offer many activities and services within our church community


At St. Andrew's, we offer a variety of worship styles, recognising that many love traditional forms of worship and others like a more modern approach.


We believe in the power of prayer. We speak to God and listen too. In all we do at St. Andrew's we seek God's will prayerfully before making decisions.

Learning & Discipleship

At the moment, we have three House Groups that meet for bible study during the day. Our plan is to increase the number of groups significantly and we want to explore this by using “Holy Habits” by Andrew Roberts.

Fellowship & Groups

We like to encourage friendship and good fellowship with lots of activities through the year. As well as our very popular Spring and Autumn Fairs, we have regular concerts, shared lunches, "fashion" shows and have even done some pantomimes.

Pastoral care

God calls us to care for one another with compassion and love. We see the church as being like a family. We're all different with lots of different needs, but we try to offer good care to all.

Youth & Children's work

We don't see children as the future so much as a vital part of the present. We are blessed by a strong youth and children ministry.


Their mission is to connect disadvantaged farmers and workers with consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower farmers and workers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives.
Learn more about what Fairtrade does and how you can help?

Church Cafe

Our Church Cafe is open and you are very welcome to pop along and sit and have a hot or cold drink, something to eat in the quiet of your own space or in fellowship with others chatting amongst friends. Why not come along and sample some of the home made baking.

Opening Hours
Monday 10.00am - 2.00pm
Tuesday 10.00am - 2.00pm
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday 10.00am - 2.00pm
Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Watch us LIVE

Click the banner below to visit our Youtube channel

St. Andrew's


This is a link to our YOUTUBE Channel


Vision & Beliefs

We are a united church, formed by the joining together of the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church. We gladly work with all mainstream denominations and people of good will.

We believe in one God - the Creator, the Christ and the Holy Spirit. God is constantly creating whilst sustaining and guiding us.

We believe that the meaning and purpose of life is discovered through our relationship with God.

We believe that each person is unique and precious to God. We are all invited to join the family that is the church, bringing our individual gifts.

We believe that each person is on a spiritual journey and that each of us is at a different stage of that journey.

We believe that the persistent search for God produces an authentic relationship with God, engendering love, strengthening faith, dissolving guilt, and giving life purpose and direction.

We believe that God calls us to be servants in the service of others and to be good stewards of the earth's resources. "To believe is to care; to care is to do."

We believe in the power of peace, and work for nonviolent solutions to local, national, and international problems.

We believe in the centrality of the Bible, exploring who wrote each part; when they wrote it; why they wrote it; to whom they wrote it; and for what purpose and as we explore scripture together the Word of God comes to us. We believe that all scripture must be interpreted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, always considering the overall gospel message when exploring individual verses.

We rejoice in all that God reveals to us through scripture, the work of the Holy Spirit, in our church life, in our ordinary lives, in special moments and experiences, in the traditions of the church, in the experiences of many people, in our rational reflecting and praying. We look for all that God is revealing through the work of scientists, archaeologists, historians, literary analysts, and many others.

We believe that a life consciously lived with God in Christ is the path to a wonderful relationship with God which will never end.


Beetle Drive

15/3/2025 at 2:00pm

Beetle Drive on Saturday 15th March from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. tickets £5.00 each to include tea and cakes. Tickets from Rita, Pauline Porter or Ginette.

Community Forum Meeting

19/2/2025 at 6:30pm

A meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, 19 February at the Ladies Walk Community Centre. starting at 6.30 pm. This is an opportunity for residents of our area (Coseley, Gornal, Sedgley, Upper Gornal and Woodsetton) to hear from councillors and to ask questions about local issues.

Police and fire service representatives will also be at the meeting to provide updates and answer questions about policing/ fire service matters.

Why not

Get in Touch

If you want more information, fill in this form. We will get back to you as soon as possible

St. Andrew’s Church is in Bilston Street, Sedgley on the other side of the road from Queen Victoria primary school. From Sedgley Bull Ring, it’s a short walk along High Street, and turn right into Bilston Street.

Our car park is accessible from Castle Street (the short one way street between the Bull’s Head and the church). There’s a public car park in Brick Street (turn left at end of Castle Street), and a larger public car park on the other side of Bilston Street.

Contact Info

Where to Find Us

St. Andrew's Church
Bilston Street

Email Us At

Worship Times

Our regular worship
events are on Sundays
at 10.30 a.m.